Now Page

Home Blog Profile Now Page WIPs Finished Projects Feed

What I'm Working On

  • A slice-of-life visual novel set in a small town on the east coast of America
  • A deed in Wurm Online
  • A guide for Ryzom

On the back-burner

  • A Sims 4 Legacy Challenge
  • A Hush Hush guide

What I've Finished

Only tentatively, I have a lot of projects I just slowly work on forever because my use-case for them changes over time

  • Emacs Static Site Generator

My Current System Setup

OS Arch Linux
Desktop Environment Hyprland
Terminal Kitty
Text Editor Emacs
Browser Firefox
File Browser Ranger

What I'm Playing

  • Wurm Online

What I'm Listening To

  • Fox Stevenson
  • Ken Ashcorp

If you like what I do here, consider donating through ko-fi

Theme used: Retro Dark

Site generator: Kristell's SSG

All works on this website are released under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Author: Kristell L.

Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.6.15)