Posts for: #Wurm

Wurm Recipes List



  • This page is going through a restructure because tables are just… so bad for this format xD It will be formatted as a list of recipes with sub-lists of ingredients, this will just take time.
  • I did initially make all recipes in table format. The table format works very well for things like dough, it works less well for most container-based recipes though. As a compromise I’ll use tbales for the recipe types where legibility isn’t sacrificed, and list format for everything else.
  • If you see (+X) after the name of the item, and it’s in the “Optional” category, it means it adds that much to the difficulty if added
  • The number in parentheses following the name of the recipe is the base difficulty, which may be modified by optional ingredients.
  • If you’re wondering why some items say raw and some don’t, ask wurmdev, this is their info, I’m just copying it for now. I’ll reformat it so it makes more sense later on
  • All percentages are how much of a liquid you should put (by weight) in comparison to solids.
  • This is technically a draft, but I’m releasing it now because I don’t wanna have to write close to a thousand recipes before I release it.
  • The number above the foreward isn’t how many recipes I’ve written, or how many there are. It’s which recipe I’m on from the game’s code, which isn’t consistent with how they number the recipes.
  • An eventual plan I have is to link the recipes together so that it’ll be easy to see what you need to do to make a recipe. For now that creates problems with ox-hugo exporting my entire blog, so I’ll be working on that once I’m done with the full list.
  • “XXX%r” is the ratio of that particular liquid to all solids present in the recipe
  • XXX%l means how much of the liquid’s weight will be lost. Unless otherwise stated, loss can be assumed to be 0%,
  • Also please be patient. This is all being done by hand, since I can’t find any way to easily convert about a thousand JSONs to anything readable.

Wurm Online Storage Reference


This is less going to be about how much space items take up, and more about how many items you can fit in a given container usefully. I tend to do a lot of work while dragging a small cart around, and it’s good to have a reference on the most efficient way to store things like farmed goods (especially cotton, fuck cotton).

The Holy Spirits menu (Wurm Online)

Prices listed are WITHOUT shipping.


         Main course          
                                Hot dog                       
                                Bread, beef sausage           
                       Chef's specials                        
      Kahvesi             Moonshine               Stew        
Small (10kg)  0s 33c Small (10kg)  0s 50c Small (10kg)  0s 30c
Medium (45kg) 1s 00c Medium (45kg) 1s 50c Medium (45kg) 0s 90c
Large (112kg) 2s 00c Large (112kg) 3s 00c Large (112kg) 1s 80c
            Dessert                         Drinks            
Trifle (Seasonal)               Fruit-aide (Seasonal)       2c
                                Beer                        5c
                                White Wine                  5c
                                Gin (Seasonal)             10c
                                Egg Nog (Seasonal)          5c

Gameplay-altering alcohol

Container (Size, Shipping) Kahvesi (80ql) Moonshine (8+ hour)
Jug (10kg, 3c) 0s 33c 0s 50c
Barrel (45kg, 10c) 1s 00c 1s 50c
Small Amphora (112kg, 23c) 2s 00c 3s 00c
Large Pottery Amphora (275kg, 56c) 4s 00c 6s 00c

Roleplay Alcohols

Container (Size, Shipping) Beer Jackal Brew Wine Rice Wine
Jug (10kg, 3c) 0s 30c 0s 33c 0s 50c 0s 66c
Barrel (45kg, 10c) 0s 90c 1s 00c 1s 50c 2s 00c
Small Pottery Amphora (112kg, 23c) 1s 80c 2s 00c 3s 00c 4s 00c
Large Pottery Amphora (275kg, 56c) 3s 60c 4s 00c 6s 00c 8s 00c


Item Price Total available
Sleep Powder 1s/1 24
Concrete 3s/100 249
Sprouts (Applewood) 1s/100 418
Sprouts (Maplewood) 1s/100 487

Coming soon!

  • Alcohol for roleplay (wine, beer, and liquors)
  • Food!
  • Non-cooking item
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