So, since I’m going to be playing and talking about games a lot, I figured I may as well do some ratings on them. Just how I feel about them in general. Then I saw the recent Inuendo Studios video on adventure games, and I realized they had something going on with their rating system, so I’m likely just gonna steal it whole-cloth because it’s really good. I’ll likely make some changes, but still.

For now it’ll be exactly what their’s is:

  • An expected value of how good I expected the game to be, score is 1-10
  • A base value that will be how I actually feel about the game, score is 1-10
  • The end score will be calculated by adding/subtracting half the difference between the expected and base value
  • Final score will range from -5 to +15

The actual games will be listed in a table here, with links to their articles as I play/read them.

Besides that I’ll give a sugar/salt badge based on whether I subjectively love or hate the game, and then I’ll give badges based on accessibility, and assign the game a tier list.

I likely won’t be reviewing any of the games they do, as I don’t typically like adventure games very much, but it’s possible.

Game list:

S Wurm Online