
Amount Ingredient
1 part Chicken
1 part Noodles
2 parts Broccoli
4 parts Water or stock
To taste Bullion cubes (Whichever you like, only if you’re not using stock)
To taste Salt
1 slice/25g chicken American cheese

Parts are all by weight, not volume


  1. Cook your chicken however you want, I boiled it for about 45 minutes because it’s fine.
  2. Cut the broccoli into small pieces. You’ll be blending it later, so the smaller the better. If you’re using frozen broccoli we’ll handle that later, ignore this.
  3. Cook the noodles to a bit under the box instructions (I used macaroni, cooked for 2 mins shy of done.
  4. Cook the broccoli in the stock/water with bullion cubes for about 10-15 minutes
  5. While that’s doing, shred the chicken
  6. Once the broccoli is done, if you have a regular blender use that. If you have a stick blender, and are using frozen broccoli, use a potato masher on it first, then blend it.
  7. Melt the cheese in, stirring constantly until it’s fully melted
  8. Taste your food and adjust as necessary. Does it taste bland? Add bullion. Does it taste like it needs more salt? Add salt. Needs more cheese? Add it.
  9. Add the chicken, and noodles in, and serve!

Shockingly tasty for how half-baked the idea was when I decided I wanted to try it.